
for job seekers for employers

For job seekers

What is Perspectv? Perspectv is a cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionise the way businesses connect with potential talent. It’s an AI-powered Talent Matching App that brings together hiring managers and job seekers in an efficient and innovative manner.

With Perspectv, you can bypass the traditional methods of recruitment and Job Boards. Instead, the platform employs advanced AI technology to match candidates to the right roles based on their skills, experience, and even personality traits.

This approach streamlines the recruitment process, making it faster, more efficient, and cost-effective, while still allowing for direct communication between employers and candidates. In essence, Perspectv aims to bridge the gap between businesses seeking exceptional talent and individuals searching for their ideal job opportunities.

How does Perspectv match me with suitable jobs? At Perspectv, we go the extra mile to match you with jobs that suit you perfectly. We take into account your skills, experience, and even your personality to ensure that you don’t just qualify for the job, but genuinely enjoy it.

To make this happen, we gather information about what you’re capable of, what you enjoy doing, and even what you’re eager to learn. Your personality profile also plays a crucial role – it gives us insight into how you think, behave, and interact with others. By considering all these factors, we strive to find job opportunities that align with your abilities, preferences and aspirations.

How do I create a profile on Perspectv?

Creating a profile on Perspectv is a breeze! Simply hop onto our app, sign up using your email, and provide your information. The entire registration process is a quick 3-4 minute affair. Oh, and a little reminder – honesty goes a long way. The more accurate your details, the better our ability to find you the most fitting matches. It’s a straightforward process that ensures you’re well on your way to connecting with the right opportunities.

Am I able to search and apply for jobs on Perspectv?

No, you don’t need to search and apply for jobs on Perspectv. Our AI takes on the heavy lifting, working tirelessly to discover the finest matches tailored just for you. Our aim is to simplify and de-stress the job hunting process.

Allowing unrestricted job searches and applications often results in a deluge of inappropriate applications. This overshadows the genuinely decent ones, ultimately causing a counterproductive avalanche of noise. We’re here to ensure that the right opportunities find you, minus the hassle.

How will I know when a Match has been created?

Rest assured, we won’t leave you in the dark! When a match is made, we’ll send you a notification to let you know. You can then dive into the job details and take your time to decide if you’d like to proceed with an application. It’s all about putting you in the driver’s seat throughout the process.

Feel free to apply to the roles that catch your interest, and don’t hesitate to skip over the ones that don’t quite align with your preferences. Your control and choice remain paramount every step of the way.

Am I able to message Hiring managers directly?

Absolutely! Once there’s a match and both you and the hiring manager express interest, you can engage in direct conversations right on our app. This streamlined communication channel allows you to interact directly with the hiring manager, fostering a smooth and direct exchange of information. It’s all about facilitating direct connections and making the process of communication as seamless as possible.

Can I upload my CV to my profile?

Absolutely, you can easily upload your CV to your profile. This is a great way to showcase your previous experience and skills to potential employers. Looking ahead, we anticipate a shift from traditional paper profiles to more advanced digital profiles that offer a comprehensive, up-to-date, interactive, and easily accessible overview of your qualifications. Stay tuned for exciting developments in this direction!

What types of companies use Perspectv to find candidates?

A wide variety of companies use Perspectv to discover job candidates. Our platform caters to an array of organisations, ranging from startups to large corporations. No matter the size or industry, we’re here to connect you with employers who are actively seeking talented individuals like yourself.

What if I am not interested in any of the job matches?

No worries whatsoever! If the suggested matches aren’t quite what you’re looking for, just decline them. Our AI will continue its search to find jobs that align more closely with your preferences and requirements. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re here to ensure that you’re presented with opportunities that genuinely resonate with you.

No job matches yet, is that normal?

Hey there, no need to worry! It’s completely normal if you haven’t received any job matches yet. Our algorithm is actively at work, combing through opportunities that match your skills, experiences, and preferences.

Sometimes, finding that perfect fit might take a little time, but rest assured, we’re on it. Exciting new job opportunities are being added to our platform regularly, and we’ll make sure to notify you as soon as a suitable match comes your way. Your patience will certainly pay off!

How is Perspectv different to Job Boards & Recruiters?

Perspectv distinguishes itself from conventional job boards and recruiters through several key features:

Personalised Matching: Instead of you wading through a sea of job listings, Perspectv takes the reins. Using the information in your profile, we curate job opportunities that align perfectly with your skills, experience, preferences, and even your personality. Consider us your personal job matchmaker!

Quality Emphasis: Traditional job boards can be swamped with generic postings and questionable jobs. At Perspectv, we prioritise quality over quantity. Our focus is on connecting you with the right opportunities, not just any opportunity.

Beyond the CV: Your Perspectv profile is more than a typical CV. It’s a dynamic and comprehensive portrayal of you. It showcases your skills, interests, preferences, and personality traits – not merely a list of jobs and qualifications.

Job Seeker Empowerment: Unlike many recruiters who primarily serve employers, we’re here to serve you – the job seeker. Our aim is to help you land your dream job, not just fill positions.

Accessibility and Convenience: With Perspectv, your profile remains visible to potential employers around the clock, regardless of their location.

Cost saving: Unlike traditional recruitment tools that come with steep costs, Perspectv offers an incredibly cost-effective solution. Our flat fee of £35 to unlock a candidate’s profile is a fraction of the recruitment fees charged by traditional agencies, which often range from 15-25% of the candidate’s first-year salary.

Is there a way for me to enhance my profile ?

Absolutely! You can take steps to make your profile truly stand out:

  1. Keep it Updated: Regularly update your profile with your latest skills, experiences, and achievements. This ensures that potential employers see the most current and relevant information about you.
  2. Highlight Your Skills: Emphasise your key skills and strengths prominently on your profile. Use specific examples or quantifiable achievements to showcase your abilities.
  3. Add a Video Introduction: Consider including a video introduction to your profile. This personal touch can give potential employers a better sense of who you are and your enthusiasm for the role.

By following these tips, you can enhance your profile and make a lasting impression on potential employers.

For employers

Find the right candidates quickly and easily with Perspectv. Perspectv is a unique talent matching app that takes the hassle out of hiring. We ditch the middlemen and connect you directly with job seekers. There’s no more wading through heaps of irrelevant applications or dealing with slow, pricey recruitment agencies.

How is Perspectv different to Job Boards?

Perspectv distinguishes itself from Job Boards by transforming the recruitment landscape from chaos to clarity.

While Job Boards can often feel like bustling marketplaces with lots of noise and opportunity, we bring organisation to the table.

Our smart algorithms work behind the scenes, aligning job seekers with roles that perfectly match their experience, skills, and even their personality traits. Unlike the Job Boards that primarily focus on who’s available, our approach centers on finding the best fit in terms of capabilities, culture and potential contribution.

Survey Insight:

We’ve conducted extensive surveys among thousands of hiring managers, and their consensus about Job Boards is strikingly consistent – these platforms generate an overwhelming volume of applications, (sometimes over 1,000 per role) however 99% of the candidates are unsuitable for the role.

This not only causes frustration but also consumes valuable time that could be better utilised elsewhere. Time is a precious resource, particularly when it comes to pinpointing fitting candidates.

This is precisely where Perspectv steps in, streamlining the process and presenting you with candidates that genuinely match your requirements, saving you from the sea of irrelevant applications.

How is Perspectv different to Recruiters?

Recruiters can help you find candidates, but they often rely on job boards themselves. They’re more interested in filling roles quickly than finding the best fit. That’s not our style. Perspectv uses technology to connect the right candidates to the right jobs. That means, no more sifting through hundreds of CV’s, no more middlemen, and certainly no more hefty recruitment fees.

Cost Comparison Example:

Let’s consider an example where a company is looking to hire for a role with an annual salary of £35,000. Traditional recruiters typically charge a commission of around 25% of the candidate’s first-year salary. This would result in a recruitment fee of £8,750.

On the other hand, using Perspectv, you would only pay a flat fee of £35 to unlock a candidate’s profile and connect directly with them. Even if you purchased 10 candidate profiles, that’s a remarkable difference compared to the hefty recruitment fee charged by traditional agencies.

In this scenario, using Perspectv would save you a significant amount of money –  making it a cost-effective alternative that doesn’t compromise on quality or efficiency.

How does Perspectv find candidates?

Perspectv employs a multi-faceted approach to sourcing candidates. We’re seamlessly connected to major job boards, which means that when you post a job with us, it gains visibility among a wide pool of potential candidates.

Now, here’s where we shine. Instead of letting you drown in a sea of applications, our clever algorithm steps in and sifts through every single application, making sure only the ones that truly fit your job get through. So, you get to skip the clutter and dive straight into reviewing the really good matches.

Can I post jobs on Perspectv for free?

Absolutely! Posting jobs on Perspectv is completely free. You have the freedom to create and share as many job openings as you need. Whether you’re looking to fill a single position or multiple roles, Perspectv caters to your needs. You can even keep roles open to establish a steady flow of potential talent. Our aim is to provide a user-friendly and cost-effective platform for your hiring endeavors.

How does Perspectv’s pricing work?

Perspectv’s pricing model is designed to be straightforward and equitable. Here’s how it works: once we present you with a list of candidates that match your requirements, you have the freedom to select whom you’d like to engage with. For each candidate’s profile you choose to unlock, there’s a flat fee of £35. This approach ensures transparency and predictability, which sets it apart from more traditional and sometimes unpredictable recruitment costs.

On average, companies typically opt for around 6-10 candidate profiles per role. However, you have the flexibility to choose as many candidates as you deem suitable for your needs. It’s worth noting that even if you select numerous profiles, the overall cost is often still more economical compared to engaging a recruiter. This pricing structure underscores our commitment to providing cost-effective and competitive hiring solutions.

How does Perspectv make sure candidates match my culture?

Instead of just zeroing in on hard skills like most traditional recruitment methods, Perspectv takes a more rounded view. We think it’s just as important to understand who you are as a person, not just what’s on your resume.

Perspectv goes beyond the conventional focus solely on hard skills to ensure a cultural match between candidates and your organisation. We believe that understanding who you are as an individual is as vital as what’s listed on your resume.

Here’s the scoop: we delve into soft skills and personality traits, providing a deeper understanding of a candidate’s inclinations, coping mechanisms, and behavioral tendencies.

This approach serves to create a robust alignment between the candidate and your company culture, ensuring a harmonious fit. By factoring in these nuanced aspects, we increase the likelihood of a successful and lasting match between candidates and your workplace ethos.

Take note: Studies have shown that employees who align well with their company’s culture and environment are up to 25% more productive than those who do not. When employees feel a sense of belonging, their job satisfaction increases, leading to higher levels of engagement and commitment. This positive correlation between cultural fit and productivity highlights the significance of finding candidates who resonate with the organisation’s values and work atmosphere. 💪💪

How long does it take to find candidates with Perspectv?

Finding the right candidates through Perspectv doesn’t need to be a lengthy or expensive process. Our goal is to make the job market inclusive and available to all, regardless of location. If there’s a candidate within our database that perfectly aligns with your requirements, the matching process can occur within seconds. Our efficient approach ensures that you can swiftly connect with potential talent without unnecessary delays or excessive costs.

Why am I not seeing any matches yet?

If you haven’t come across any matches yet, don’t worry – our algorithm is hard at work. It’s sifting through potential candidates to pinpoint the ones that perfectly align with your requirements. Our connection with major job boards means we’re constantly welcoming new candidates daily. Once the matching process kicks into gear and the right candidates emerge, we’ll be sure to notify you promptly. Rest assured, we’re diligently working to find the best fits for you.

Can I contact candidates directly through the app?

Absolutely, once there’s mutual interest and the profile fee is settled, you have the green light to engage directly with the candidate through the app. It’s a straightforward process – a flat fee of £35 unlocks the candidate’s profile, and from that point on, you’re free to connect, exchange messages, and proceed as you see fit. This direct communication channel streamlines your interactions and facilitates a smooth path to connecting with potential talent.

Can I view the candidates’ CV on Perspectv?

Absolutely, once you’ve covered the profile fee, you gain access to view and download the candidate’s CV directly on Perspectv. Looking ahead, we anticipate a shift from traditional paper profiles to more advanced digital profiles that offer comprehensive, up-to-date, interactive, and easily accessible information. Stay tuned for exciting developments in this direction!

What types of jobs and industries does Perspectv specialise in?

Perspectv is not confined to any particular sector or region. Our platform is designed to cater to job seekers and job posters across a wide array of industries, sectors, and countries. Whether you’re seeking candidates for full-time, part-time, temporary, contract, or remote positions, Perspectv’s versatile approach can be adapted to suit your needs. Our goal is to provide a dynamic solution that transcends boundaries and empowers both job seekers and employers across diverse fields.

How much does it cost to use Perspectv?

When it comes to using Perspectv, you’ll be pleased to know that getting started won’t cost you a dime. Registering and using the app are completely free. Here’s where it gets interesting: when you find job seekers you’re keen on connecting with, and they’re equally interested in your company, that’s when things get a bit more personalised.

To ensure a smooth interaction, a nominal fee of £35 is required to access their full profile. This process helps maintain a high level of engagement and ensures that both parties are genuinely interested in exploring potential opportunities.

How do I get started with Perspectv?

Starting your journey with Perspectv is a breeze! Kick things off by registering online at no cost. Then, describe the job role you’re aiming to fill and provide your criteria. Based on this information, we’ll offer you a lineup of candidates who align with your requirements – your job is to choose who you’d like to connect with.

To unlock a candidate’s complete profile, a straightforward fee of £35 applies. From there, the path is yours to explore – you can connect, communicate, and proceed according to your preferences. It’s a streamlined process designed to make finding and connecting with potential talent as simple as can be.