How to Hire a Graphic Designer – Expert Guide 2023

Guide to help you find and hire the right graphic designer for your business.

Hiring a graphic designer in UK?

How to Hire a Graphic Designer in the UK. If you’re a UK hiring manager seeking to hire a graphic designer, this resource is specifically designed for you. Discover the ins and outs of hiring the right talent to bring your brand to life. We understand how difficult it is to find and hire the right people, and we’re here to help you discover the perfect graphic designer for your company.

What do Graphic Designers do?

Graphic designers are responsible for creating visual concepts to communicate ideas and messages. They use typography, imagery, and color to create layouts for print and digital media. Graphic designers can work in a variety of industries, including advertising, marketing, publishing, and web development.

If you’re looking to hire a graphic designer in the UK, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to determine the specific skills and experience you need in a graphic designer. Do you need someone who can create print ads? A web designer? A UX designer? Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start your search.

How to hire a graphic designer

Hiring a graphic designer involves a series of steps that require a thorough understanding of your business needs, as well as the graphic designer’s skills and experiences. Here’s a detailed guide:


Define Your Project Requirements:

Firstly, determine what your business needs. Are you looking for branding, website design, advertising, print materials, or a mix of these? Be clear about your project requirements, as this will guide you in finding the right designer.


Create a Detailed Job Description:

Outline the skills and experiences you are looking for. This should include:

  • Specific design skills (e.g., proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite)
  • Type of experience (e.g., corporate branding, digital design, print design)
  • Expected deliverables
  • Soft skills like communication, time management, and problem-solving


Source Candidates:

Post your job on various job boards, such as LinkedIn, Indeed or Perspectv. If you have a high volume of design work, or require specific design skills then using a Talent Matching app like Perspectv might be a good option.


Review Portfolios:

Portfolios offer a tangible demonstration of a designer’s work. Look for designers whose style aligns with your brand and who show a range of work across different mediums and industries.


Conduct Interviews:

The interview process is your opportunity to assess a designer’s problem-solving skills, ability to take critique, and understand their design process. Prepare relevant questions to help you gauge these.


Assign a Test Project:

If you’re down to a few candidates, consider giving them a small paid test project. This can provide insight into their skills, work ethic, and ability to deliver on time.

Essential Hard Skills needed for a Graphic Designer

  • Proficiency in Design Software: Graphic designers must be skilled in using software like Adobe Creative Suite, including Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.


  • Web Design: Understanding HTML, CSS, and WordPress is essential for designing functional and visually appealing websites.


  • Typography: Graphic designers need to have a strong understanding of design principles, such as typography, colour theory, and layout. These principles help graphic designers create visually appealing and effective designs.


  • Print Design: Even in a digital age, print design skills remain crucial. Designers need to understand print layouts, colour management, and printing processes.

Graphic Designer Jobs UK

Vital Soft Skills needed for a Graphic Designer

  • Creativity: Graphic designers need to be creative and innovative. They need to be able to come up with new and original ideas for their designs.


  • Communication skills: Graphic designers need to be able to communicate effectively with their clients and other stakeholders. They need to be able to clearly explain their ideas and designs.


  • Time Management: Graphic designers need to be able to manage their time effectively. They often have multiple projects to work on at the same time, and they need to be able to prioritize their work and meet deadlines.


  • Problem Solving: Graphic design often involves overcoming challenges and finding the best solution for a client’s needs. Graphic designers need to be able to solve problems creatively. They need to be able to think outside the box.


  • Teamwork skills. Graphic designers often work as part of a team, and they need to be able to collaborate effectively with others. They need to be able to share ideas and feedback, and they need to be able to work together to achieve common goals.

Average salary for a graphic designer in London

As of 2023, the average salary for a graphic designer in the London is approximately £25,000- 30,000 per annum. However, the salary range can vary depending on the designer’s experience, skills, and location.

Recruitment Fees for Hiring a Graphic Designer

Calculate the recruitment fees by multiplying the annual salary of the graphic designer by the recruitment fee percentage. For example, if the annual salary of the graphic designer is £25,000, the recruitment fee percentage is 20%, then the recruitment fees will be: £ 5,000.

Job posting sites for graphic designers

There are a number of places where you can find graphic designers in the UK. You can search online job boards, attend industry events or use a specialist AI Talent Matching App like Perspectv. These are the Top graphic design job sites in UK to check out.


Perspectv: AI Talent Matching

Harnessing the power of sophisticated algorithms and data analytics, Perspectv goes beyond basic job listing, instead curating matches between talented graphic designers and the right job opportunities, ensuring a precise fit that caters to both parties’ needs.

The convenience and accuracy of Perspectv’s service make it a highly recommended tool in the hunt for graphic design talent. Find your next creative genius with Perspectv.


Job Boards:

The more traditional route to finding graphic designers involves utilising popular job boards such as Indeed, Monster, or TotalJobs. While these platforms cast a wide net, they can often bring in a vast influx of applications. Be prepared to dedicate significant time to sift through CVs to identify the applicants that truly fit your needs.

Graphic designer interview questions

  • Can you describe your design process? Understanding how a designer approaches a project can provide insight into their problem-solving skills and creativity.


  • How do you handle feedback and revisions? This can reveal a designer’s communication skills and their ability to handle criticism constructively.


  • Could you describe a challenging project and how you overcame it? This will show their problem-solving abilities and resilience under pressure.


  • What design software are you most proficient in? This ensures that the designer’s skills align with your technical needs.

If you’re ready to start your search for a graphic designer, visit our website today. We have a database of qualified graphic designers in the UK who can help you create the perfect visual identity for your business.

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